Monday, March 27, 2006


yo whuts up bllodyhellboys n girls out there..i just want to share this article that i read in a health mag

Faedah berhenti merokok

  • tekanan darah turun ke paras normal
  • suhu tangan dan kaki kembali normal

8 jam

  • paras karbon monoksida dalam darah turun ke paras normal
  • paras oksigen dalam darah meningkat ke paras normal

24 jam

  • risiko serangan jantung berkurangan

48 jam

  • hujung saraf mula terbentuk kembali


  • fungsi paru2 meningkat sebanyak 30%
  • peredaran darah juga mulai meningkat


  • batuk,rasa hidung tersumbat,keletihan,semput akan berkurangan.ini kerana pada tahap ini,kebolehan paru2 mengendali mukos meningkat,paru2 lebih bersih dan membantu mengurangkan jangkitan

its not easy to stop smoking..tough cookie beb..most of us are already addicted to the nicotine in the takes a lot of will power to stop but hey its for ur own benefits..ive stopped buying cigs for almost 4mnths n am loving it..i do smoke sometimes,mostly when i hang out with ed or salman(they didnt offer at all) but it is better to smoke 1 stick per week rather than 10-15 sticks everyday..if u can go cold turkey from the start,its even better..n owh i do smoke shisha once in a while..ehehe..but the most important thing is to try because u know that the tobacco is not good for ur health..whether u agree or not,i think most of us started smoking because we wanna look school,only the rebellious smoke n the nerds were in the library..but the time has passed n theres no need for u bloodyhellboys to smoke anymore..i dont wanna see any of u in the operation room having a bypass surgery in the next 15 stop smoking eh or at least cut the number of ur daily cigs DRASTICALLY..ive had no chest pain in the morning anymore..huhu


Anonymous said...

very good conversation...

moKHa cafe said...

"because we wanna look cool.." oh yeah! the peer pressure that one is subjected to look 'cool'/'tough' that one could prove themselves that there aint no law to govern what one should n what one could do n that one is free to do what one wills n that makes you stand out (or gives the impression that they stand out). oh besides, it does give you a chance to just float away n relax maybe over coffee, that u r now dependant on it to 'destress' n being dependant on something makes u tough (n cool)!

agreed with u rai - it takes a willpower to give up! very strong willpower.

Anonymous said...


Enough said :)