Friday, February 17, 2006

iGig - sheffield - march the 18th

hello hello hello! just want to announce something here. theres this gig in sheffield on the 18th of March - all malaysian bands lah! of the bands to perform is tak lain dan tak bukan - 'the terel brigade' , a band formed by meself, kamal and mozek - all acoustic trio - as referred by kudo. there'll be good music, pure chilin and a chance to make new friends! ive booked 10 tickets and 4 is taken (theyre selling it for 4 quid a piece)...if you guys are free and, by any chance, around that area (heard that the sheffield games is on the 18th jugak) do come and joing in the fung! (ganu style..)

on a more serious note, itll be the first time ever the 'terel brigade' staging a performance outside notts. and, for the love of music, we've worked hard over the past few months to compose 3 good songs..('good'? who knows man..just see how it goes la heh)....and im sure u guys know me, ive been playing rock kapok kangkang for the past decade and this is really something different for me-to be able to perform in a gig with our own songs, our own chord progressions, scales and what not.. so if free jom la support! by all means do contact me if any of u guys wanna come...ill be on msn ke yahoo ke email ka or here or my website.

for more info - log on to

thanks guys and have a nice day! p/s- the world is quite messed up now, so my message to World: take a chill pill!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I finished clinics relatively late today. Labour ward in the morning and then experiencing the vastness of personalities in the genitourinary medicine clinic. St. Thomas' Hospital being situated in the centre of Britain's capital allows a cosmopolitan blend of origins and diseases to be observed first hand. Working in here would only be a dream! Best thing for me is the views that I'm always taken aback by. Overlooking the Thames and Westminster time & again I become awed by the splendour of London's architecture. As far as the wards are concerned... very good esp the Birth Centre! I just came back from my peripheral attachment in HUKM, KL two weeks ago and it was indeed a good educational experience being allowed to do things hands on there, but once I saw the labour room here... wow! They even have a garden in the ward! Believe me ladies, if I ever get pregnant I wanna have my baby here.. (fat chance!). There are pool rooms for water births, big big windows in your room for all the natural lighting you could ask for, but most important of all, respect for your autonomy and privacy. Ok, I don't wanna brag. Just decided to blog out something and post the pictures which I took as I was coming out of the hospital. oh and one more thing: I love my Motorola V3x - 2megapixel camera with quite acceptable colour reproduction for something that can fit in a pocket. Anyone else on Three? Ed doesn't quite like it coz it aint as slim as his v3. *sigh* u can't please the whole world can u?

Overlooking the Thames. Quite serene, no? Notice the clouds seem to be originating from Big Ben.
Oh well..after a long day sights like these make it all worthwhile. Too bad parts of the House of Commons are being restored hence the dark area..

Monday, February 13, 2006

What day is today, eh?

I'm bored yet again in the office. Great to see your contribution guys. As for yang belom contribute tuh, jangan laaa malu-malu sangat. Especially kat orang yang bising sangat cakap aku tak invite die awal-awal tuh. Since hari nie 14 February, hope you guys enjoy your day and whatever you guys do, remember that play it safe (This is a community reminder by BloodyHellBoys admin).

Congratulations Rai!!!

On behalf of the Bloodyhellboys, I would like to congratulate one of our brothers, Rai, for passing his driving test! Kuala Lumpur drivers be very this is one noob-driver u dont want to piss off. As u can see he has also passed his special taxi license. Therefore, anyone who has driven Dato' Rai around or has had to layan his 'wei,ko buat apa hari ni haaa? Apa? ko nak gi bangsar? Amik aku on the way eh?' BE READY TO CALL UP THIS NEW TAXI SERVICE..ITS FREE OF CHARGE!! HAHAHHAHAHA Congrats Rai!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Especially to all kelantanese out there


kalo slow sgt nak dia nak load..just click the vid n watch it from there

24? not jack bauer guys...

somebody's 24 today! guess whos the big lad? yes it is him! the great anak Unni... chee kee & co paid a visit right on the hour with some pressies and a walnut cake, fab!.. p/s-dont bother about the boxing star (sapok) at the back..menyibok je