Friday, March 31, 2006

The least effective drug

So I tell myself, why on earth do you expect someone to update this freaking site if you yourself can't be arsed to? Let's be honest guys, how many times do you visit here expecting something new, maybe say from Mr Jazree J to write for once what is on his mind or whatever that is going on in his life. He's attached now that's why he's too preoccupied.. do you know? I don't. Does he?

So, I have thus vowed that since I have had the honour of being invited and thence joined this Boy's Club (why is Dina the only girl then? is it because she's the secretary?! ok then, I'm sure she's a good secretary and we all know what secretaries do best) that I will try and put some input into this site, like the fellow executive members of this group like Mr Dato & Kroni who have courteously given their precious times to give others a chance to be updated on their do abouts of daily lives, at least once week. I say this today when I am in the midst of swapping rotations. Of course I can't be certain but at least there's the 'at least'.

Short update on the paintballing which coincided with Sheffield's iGig and Warwick Games - good fun, won the day's tournament by 130points to 55points, basically they got thrashed but we enjoyed bruising and but not so much on getting bruised (unless you're weird). It's been an idea since ages to do one similar for our batch. We all know how much we used to skip class or stayed up all night back in the 'Bootboys Days' just to click our mice and shoot one another at de_dust/aztec.

This week I have just completed my obstetric & gynaecology rotation. Delivering babies ain't so hard, provided you're not the one screaming your head off trying to push the poor baby's head out of your fully dilated effaced cervix. You just get used to all the screaming, huffing and puffing (now Hariz plz, behave!), and screaming, and screaming, and screaming, oh and the blood too! and don't worry, if it takes too long there's always the ventouse or metal forceps to pull the baby out. I'm just glad I'm on the right end of the bed.

My O&G exams ended on Tuesday. Questions like,"which of these is the least effective drug in the treatment of so and so.." still bug me! You ask most effective drug I know la! Oh well, maybe I'm just finding excuses for not learning pharmacology inside out. I h
ad to hand in my 5000 word elective portfolio today. Again me, being the known procrastinator I started 2 days ago (another year's resolution down the drain!). For my electives which is starting in July, I have planned to see what Medicine is like in Mauritius, yup, going all the way to the tropical sunny island for the Medicine. sure! 4 weeks there and then 2 weeks in HUKM and a further 2 weeks in HKL before a 3 week summer holiday. Hopefully I can make it for Mr Ghazali's wedding, where is it eh?(update la k*te!) But before all that, it's always the question about money - something the PNB crew always, always jump for joy first thing they wake up to, I've been reminded. For me, it's back to the good old long hours in Lilly-freakin-cheap-whites then.

There's an UMNO football tourney this Sunday at Regent's Park (I'm sorry Budu, since you're not here, and the fact that I love football just a bit more than I love Keadilan) I've decided to join and play with some of my usual mates from King's. I heard that Cherap & Shidi are off to bella Italia, so I guess I won't be seeing them then. Although Cherap is in London, the last time I saw him was..hmm.. let me remember.. Warwick Games 05! It's been over a year since I saw or even played football with the fellow bloodyheller! (hey man, weather's getting better - jom tennis! aku tau la kau terror, bladihell!)

So is the rambling for this week. I get no holidays for Easter. Monday is the first day of Paediatrics+Geriatrics+Dermatology (kanak2+org2 tua+kulit). I can only look forward to that...

Monday, March 27, 2006


yo whuts up bllodyhellboys n girls out there..i just want to share this article that i read in a health mag

Faedah berhenti merokok

  • tekanan darah turun ke paras normal
  • suhu tangan dan kaki kembali normal

8 jam

  • paras karbon monoksida dalam darah turun ke paras normal
  • paras oksigen dalam darah meningkat ke paras normal

24 jam

  • risiko serangan jantung berkurangan

48 jam

  • hujung saraf mula terbentuk kembali


  • fungsi paru2 meningkat sebanyak 30%
  • peredaran darah juga mulai meningkat


  • batuk,rasa hidung tersumbat,keletihan,semput akan berkurangan.ini kerana pada tahap ini,kebolehan paru2 mengendali mukos meningkat,paru2 lebih bersih dan membantu mengurangkan jangkitan

its not easy to stop smoking..tough cookie beb..most of us are already addicted to the nicotine in the takes a lot of will power to stop but hey its for ur own benefits..ive stopped buying cigs for almost 4mnths n am loving it..i do smoke sometimes,mostly when i hang out with ed or salman(they didnt offer at all) but it is better to smoke 1 stick per week rather than 10-15 sticks everyday..if u can go cold turkey from the start,its even better..n owh i do smoke shisha once in a while..ehehe..but the most important thing is to try because u know that the tobacco is not good for ur health..whether u agree or not,i think most of us started smoking because we wanna look school,only the rebellious smoke n the nerds were in the library..but the time has passed n theres no need for u bloodyhellboys to smoke anymore..i dont wanna see any of u in the operation room having a bypass surgery in the next 15 stop smoking eh or at least cut the number of ur daily cigs DRASTICALLY..ive had no chest pain in the morning anymore..huhu