Friday, March 03, 2006


my first post is dedicated to rai yang lucu

i recently went down south to malacca for an interview with MMU and i must say Malacca is a beautiful state...
anyways, the trip down south was a disappointing though...firstly, the email which invited me for the interview said a post for AD, which to my understanding was Academic Division.

However, whilst being interviewed I found out that AD means Assistant Director for a Business Development in MMU....I was utterly disappointed because I was looking forward for a position in the academic division as a lecturer/tutor in MMU. but that was the start of my disappointing trip back to Kuala Lumpur...

on the way back from malacca, i decided to stopby seremban to have the best cendol ever, the cendol behind Royal Adelphi (the former Hilton) along Jalan A.S Dawood BUT the cendol stall is no longer there and there was indication is had closed for the day whatsoever, it was GONE...

fine! then i decided to take the old road from seremban back to kuala lumpur, thus i've decided to stop over at kajang (since i had to pass semenyih, broga etc) to have satay! i then looked for my favourite satay place which was Sate Abang. but my search was in vain as i found out that not only the restaurant is closed, the building was demolished as well. so i had to go Haji Samuri for my dose of satay.

so i would like to ask those who are familiar with the Kajang and Seremban area, does Sate Abang still exist? it was runned by 2 sisters and a brother i think and the brother (who makes the drinks) wears his pants quite high as a result, my family and i call him ST which stand for seluar tinggi. And also did the Cendol moved to another location or the went out of business?

but i did had fun sight seeing in Malacca though. So my fellow bloodyhell boys, jom road trip gi malacca! i'm sure ed and i would make it a photographic trip....

p.s/ i did find the place where Syad takes his bath in Kajang, Taman Sungai Jambu....


papabear said...

eh eh funny laaa u ni...

rai said...

chong chong chong chong chong..u r indeed a very funny guy..sate abang dah takde la..sate abg kepala botak yg kerja kat aji don tu ada la..bak kata dia, "meehun supp satuuu"..ahaHAha

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