Saturday, April 29, 2006


Congratulations to Chelsea for your second consecutive win as champions of the Premiership! What is quite distressing however is that Rooney had to be taken out for a metatarsal fracture he encountered just outside the Chelsea penalty box. And like all adult fractures it takes on average a minimum of 6 weeks before he can start using it again. But 6 weeks is when the bone has just fused together. The healed bones would still be too hard with surrounded fibrous callous around it. Remodelling has to take place where the bone regains its flexibility and normal tissue matrix which takes another 6-12weeks. Basically he's out of the World Cup and personally I think that just dimishes any hope, however slight it might have been, for England to... I can't even type it out as I'm still transfixed to imagine what the lad is going through at such a peak form and age that he's out of what is probably every football player's dream to achieve... The World Cup overall would be a bit more interesting if he was able to play. Well, but we all know that football isn't a one man show, yes it's a team effort, but Mr Rooney there... he's quite special in his own way.


Anonymous said...

I would like to contribute in this discussion by disclosing that I, a non-england supporter, am concern that I will not be able to see all the world's best player displaying their talented skills as they will be missing W. Rooney. However with that done and said, I would like to say this, screw England, Livin' La Vida Portugal!!! Longo vive Big Phil!!!

Anonymous said...

why put anonymous? no balls ah?

Anonymous said...

No other teams deserve the WC as much as Brasil do..the same goes to Barca in the CL..but as shidi said "bola itu bulat,bulat macam perut (put a name here)" anything can happen..i would love to see W.Ham beat Liver in the FA Cup final and then Barca beat Arsenal in the CL final..I'll surely laugh like there is no tomorrow..till then i have to for this edition of WC,i'll support negara Belanda coz they have lots of fresh weeds n nistelrooy too..he's the best inside the penalty box..outside?crap

Anonymous said...

when it comes to intl football,my loyalty is flexible..huhu..aku tak kisah sgt sape menang or kalah

deep fried garuppa,sotong goreng tepung,lemon chicken, nasi lemak ganja,nasi lemak rindu,ayam golek,tandoori depan ampang point,ayam madu kat jln kampung attap,double barrels,mee kari berjaya(ko tak suka kari kan? tp ni sedap,yong tau foo dia pon sedap),ur fav asam laksa kat jaya jusco n laksa shack(petis lebih sikit kan?haha),n byk tpt makan bess lg..aku bole bawak ko pegi semua tpt tu..balik cepatt ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

n ko kena bawak aku makan pari bakar n sotong dekat lake club..tak pon ko kasi aku no membership bapak ko,aku bole je pegi sendiri..aku tau nak masuk aku takut la pegi sorang2,sure bapok2 kat situ harrass aku n tanye soalan byk2 pasal syad..ahahahahah

papabear said...

hahaahhaa..congrats to chelsea!..they do deserve the league other teams..buck up for next for rooney..sedih gak sebab die player man u..but as a non England supporter, i'm a bit happy he's not goin to WC(sorry ehhh cherap)..i just hate the english team..not because sven or the players..just because the media in england..btw..nizam baru join PNB hari bebudak kat uk..balik laa cepat woi..aku dah buhsan dah nie..nak main futsal pon susah..asyik tak cukup orang..rai dah ade geng futsal die tak kisah sangat laa..ok kene start buat keje..boss aku bising nanti..long live Germany!!!!huhuhuhuhuhu

Anonymous said...

-SyaD- says:
satu lagi mengarut dia tak sokong england
-SyaD- says:
ape cite
-SyaD- says:
aku igt lagi ms kmys dia smgt england
-SyaD- says:
mamat ni mmg nak kene
-SyaD- says:
Cherap..rooney=defoe+beattie+bent says:
mmg ,ni influence maswan ahh
Cherap..rooney=defoe+beattie+bent says:
tak loyal,cakap merapu,suka makan pasir,semua ada laaa ciri2 maswan
-SyaD- says:
betul tu
-SyaD- says:
barua betul maswan ni
Cherap..rooney=defoe+beattie+bent says:
salah maswan eh, takkan rai yg baik,sopan santun tu jadi camni kan?
Cherap..rooney=defoe+beattie+bent says:
ish tak logic
-SyaD- says:
rai nak jd apperantice maswan nie
-SyaD- says:
ape cite sial
Cherap..rooney=defoe+beattie+bent says:
part dia ejek ko pasal pondan tu aku paham, part dia tukar team,tinggalkan ed holland lak tu
-SyaD- says:
tu ah, aku pon phm bab ejek bapok tu
-SyaD- says:
tp part lain betul2 tak masuk akal

rai said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA aku gelak 5 mins non-stop baca the last 3 sial jek korang eh

aku TAK join team maswann ahhhhhhhhhhh..aku pon tak suka dia..sapa2 yg cherap n syad tak suka,aku pon automatically tak suka..aku bloodyheller sejati..aku main dgn budak uni aku punya member,kamal amir semua ada hal sendiri so aku malas nak kacau diorang..indeed aku ada ajak vincent chong main skali aritu..dah 2 kali dia join..ed lak jual mahal aku ajak aritu..i did not forsaken the bloodyhellboys ok?

ok arrrr aku sokong england,tp rooney takde chance diorang nak menang mcm dah hilang je..mcm ni la,kalo england main,aku sokong diorang..n kalo holland main,aku sokong holland..aku suka brazil gak..hahaha

sooooo im all clear for the trip to lake club ahhh?..thhxxx ahhhh..pari bakar sedap gila wei..carrot susu kat situ tak sedap langsung,seperti bapok2 kat situ,dah la buruk, ada hati lak nak gedik tonggek bontot kat cherap lak..hahaha

balik cepat la weeiiiii..kL is never the same without u guys!!!!!

harizgemok said...

aela congrats kat chelsea jer? abis west ham masuk final and qualify for uefa cujp next season tak gempak?

ok papahal...WC- ARGENTINA la wei

vamos vamos argentina!

p.s/ syad phm pasal dia pondan hahah bleh gang dgn rai

rai said...

hek eleh suka2 je cakap org pondan..ko igt lg tak aritu ko cakap dekat aku yg ko ni TAK STRAIGHT..kalo kot ye pon nak jadi gay tak payah la nak nak bgtau semua org weiii

moKHa cafe said...

korang ckp pasal makanan buat aku lapar syial! tp lawak buat sakit perut pulak. hahaha.. ape lagi ed, tak cukup team ko ajak la bapok2 tu main bola. boleh jadi cam gol gincu.. ape tah movie tu. tp mungkin diorang nak syad gak ah..*roll eyes!* hmmmm sorry i tried to help.

Anonymous said...

kami yang bapok dan agan tough ini ingin mengajak syad yang macho utk bermain futsal dengan kami..tujuan kami hanyalah satu iaitu ingin berbody contact dgn anda yang tough itu..u ni model kee?Awwwww

moKHa cafe said...

Hahahaha.. bloodyhell nye buncit pangkah aku. ko ni mmg kuat makan garam eh cherap, mulut masin tul rooney dah injured. anyway, back to vs 'agak lembut' fc.. ni ade spokesperson dia ckp.. "u rasa kan, syad tu nak 'score' tak dgn kitorang ni? i nak make sure u, dia tak score dgn goalkeeper i sbb i nak 'tackle' dia btul2. biar dia ingat siapa i ni. auuw" cherap.. jom main tennis dulu sblm balik msia nak. bila kau free?

Anonymous said...

wow patutla kami semua dah lama tak nampak syad yang macho itu. rupa2nya dia belajar dekat ireland. dah la tough pandai pulak tuu. balik la cepat dan datang melawat kami di lake club ni. nanti kami akan buat carrot susu special utk syad. free tauuu. kami nak no telefon syad aje. nti syad dah jadi doktor bolehlah kami mendapatkan perkhidmatan dr syad pulak yee. hihi!!!

moKHa cafe said...

Hahaha.. bodoh sial. Carrot susu.. I wonder what that really is. Gross! Good luck syad.. fear factor Msia menanti anda.

harizgemok said...

aik? kmek fitnah aku plak...asam tol.
aku sentiasa reveal nama la sial

and last summer syad ada ckp dia jadi doctor sbb bleh kasi checkup kat laki...dia ckp dia suka raba raba and all that gay shit...

and pasal bola dia suka dribble byk sbb suka guys coming onto him....

sekian terima kasih

rai said...

kerol, r u malaysian?..u dont knw what is carrot susu? it's a drink laaaa..semua kedai ada jual..cherap's fav = the carrot susu made by the lake club's bapoks

moKHa cafe said...

hehehe.. jgn wei cherap, aku dah cukup dah patah tulang. penat ah recovery je. and rai aku tau carrot susu.. tapi aku lagi suka air ciku/durian belanda. mmm..